Personal data
Name : Lilis Ernawati
NRP: 5209100085
Place, Date of Birth: Bojonegoro, 9th April 1991
Age: 18 years
Sex: Female
Religion: Islam
Civics: Indonesian
Telephone: -
Cell Phone: 085232295249
Formal education
1997 - 2003: SDN Turi 1
2003 - 2006: SMPN 1 Ngambon
2006 - 2009: SMAN 1 Padangan
2009: Information System, ITS
NRP: 5209100096
Place, Date of Birth: Sidoarjo, 12th January 1992
Age: 17 years
Sex: Female
Religion: Islam
Civics: Indonesian
Address: Perum. Griya Candi Asri S.44, Sidoarjo, Indonesia, 61271
Telephone: 031 - 8061105
Cell Phone: 085733088024
e-mail: adellavigne@yahoo. co. id
Formal education
1997 – 2003: SD Muhammadiyah 1 Sidoarjo
2003 – 2006: SMPN 1 Candi, Sidoarjo
2006 – 2009: SMAN 2 Sidoarjo
2009: Information System, ITS
Organisational experiences
*Osis / MPK 's administrator - SMAN 2 Sidoarjo Years: 2007-2008
*PHKRI vice chairman - SMAN 2 Sidoarjo Years: 2007-2008
*Karya Ilmiah Remaja ‘s member - SMAN 2 Sidoarjo Years: 2006-2008
Name: Nurul Fakhria
NRP: 5209100097
Place, Date of Birth: Sidoarjo, 12th September 1991
Age: 18 years
Sex: Female
Religion: Islam
Civics: Indonesian
Address: jl. Kol. Soegiono Ngingas 79 RT/RW 5/II Waru, Sidoarjo
Telephone: 031 - 70696006
Cell Phone: 08563146006
e-mail: riachan_emoetch@yahoo. co. id
Formal education
1997 – 2003: MI NU Ngingas, Waru, Sidoarjo
2003 – 2006: MTs "Darul Ulum" Kureksari, Waru, Sidoarjo
2006 – 2009: SMAN 1 Waru, Sidoarjo
2009: Information System, ITS
Name: Yuni Dwi Kurniawati
NRP: 5209100099
Place, Date of Birth: Sidoarjo, 17th June 1991
Age: 18 years
Sex: Female
Religion: Islam
Civics: Indonesian
Address: jl. nanas rt 10 rw 03 Dsa. Geluran, kec. Taman-Sidoarjo, Jatim-Indonesia
Telephone: 031 - 7886589
Cell Phone:085645142642
Formal education
1997 – 2003: SD Geluran III
2003 – 2006: SMPN 1 Taman, Sidoarjo
2006 – 2009: SMAN 1 Sidoarjo
2009: Information System, ITS
Organisational experiences
*Youth Red Cross's secretary - SMAN 1 Sidoarjo Years: 2007-2008
*SKI's member - SMAN 1 Sidoarjo Years: 2006-2008
*Karya Ilmiah Remaja ‘s member - SMAN 1 Sidoarjo Years: 2006-2008
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